Black Women Radicals and Philadelphia PrintWorks "Black Feminists Taught Me" T-Shirt Capsule and Collaboration

Black Women Radicals and Philadelphia PrintWorks partner on a new t-shirt capsule and collaboration, “Black Feminists Taught Me.”

The Black Women Radicals and Philadelphia PrintWorks “Black Feminists Taught Me” collaboration pays homage to Black women and gender expansive people who inspire us, touch our lives, shape our politics, and taught us–in a myriad of ways–about life, love, leadership, and legacy. 

The first collection in the ongoing partnership pays homage to historical and contemporary Black feminists in Philadelphia, who have and continue to shape the socio-political and cultural landscape of the “City of Brotherly Love.”

A portion of the proceeds benefit the School for Black Feminist Politics.


“Black Feminists Taught Me” T-Shirt Capsule and Collaboration

Top photos (left to right): Zalika U. Ibaorimi and Indy Cerdan.

Bottom photos (left to right): Doriana Diaz, Brianna Rae Johns, Akayla Brown, and Mars Santi.

NewsJaimee SwiftNews