Buy Black Women Radicals Merch!

BWR x Bonfire Flyer Two.png

A fundraiser for organizational support for Black Women Radicals!

We are grateful to be partnering with Bonfire to sell some Black Women Radicals’ merchandise to raise funds to support our organizational initiatives! We are asking for your support, as all of BWR’s organizational expenses are paid independently by BWR’s executive director. You can purchase a t-shirt or a sweatshirt here!

We are looking to raise funds for these specific initiatives: 

  • This fall, BWR will be launching a new Black Feminist Political Education Initiative. We would like to pay Black feminist activists, organizers, and creatives to be a part of this new initiative, in continuing to illuminate what has been obscured and neglected in regards to our Black feminist political histories and memories. 

  • In early 2021, we would like to be able to pay freelance/contributing writers to curate content for our blog, Voices in Movement. We also would like to pay contributors to help curate and to continue to build our database.

  • We are also raising funds to support our community conversations/event curation (i.e. closed captioning, hosting, etc). 

  • We want to use these funds to give back to organizers, activists, and young people. 

We want to thank everyone who has supported BWR so far! We are so humbled and grateful for your continued support. We appreciate you so much! 

NewsJaimee SwiftNews