Our Legacy: Self-Determination, Bodily Autonomy, and Anti-State Practices for Black Birthing Justice: A Reading List by CAM Morris
A reading list by CAM Morris from their teach-in "Our Legacy: Self-Determination, Bodily Autonomy, and Anti-State Practices for Black Birthing Justice” for the School for Black Feminist Politics.
Community organizer CAM Morris led a teach-in for the School for Black Feminist Politics, the political education arm of Black Women Radicals. The teach-in Our Legacy: Self-Determination, Bodily Autonomy, and Anti-State Practices for Black Birthing Justice, was on Saturday, April 23rd from 4:30-6:00 PM EST via Zoom.
CAM’s second teach-in will be in September 2022 and the time and location will be announced at the end of the summer.
About CAM Morris: Originally from the southside of Chicago, now residing in Washington, DC, (occupied Piscataway land) CAM (they/them) is a neuroexpansive, non-binary Black radical community organizer. Holding a Black queer feminist and abolitionist politic, the focus of CAM’s work is combatting colonization and neoliberalism, against US occupation and war, patriarchal violence, and capitalism.
Our Legacy: Self-Determination, Bodily Autonomy, and Anti-State Practices for Black Birthing Justice: A Reading List
Collage by Doriana Diaz, Black Women Radicals’ Visual Designer.
Bridges, M. Khiara, Reproducing Race: An Ethnography of Pregnancy as a Site of Racialization. University of California Press, 2011.
Bonaparte, D. Alicia & Oparah, Julia, Chinyere. Birthing Justice: Black Women, Pregnancy, and Child Birth. Paradigm Publishers, 2015.
Davis, Angela. Women, Race, and Class. Penguin Random House, 1994.
Fried, Marlene, Gerber, Gutiérrez, Elena, Ross, Loretta, & Silliman, Jael. Undivided Rights: Women of Color Organizing for Reproductive Justice. Haymarket Books, 2016.
Jackson, Zakiyyah, I. Becoming Human: Matter and Meaning in and Antiblack World. New York Press, 2020.
Notes, Abolition [orginal author Claudia Jones]. The End to the Neglect of the Problems of the Negro Woman!. 1949. https://abolitionnotes.org/claudia-jones/neglect
Owens Cooper, Deirdre. Medical Bondage. University of Georgia Press. 2017.
Ritchie, Beth. Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America’s Prison Nation. New York University Press, 2012.
Roberts, Dorothy. Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty. Penguin Random House, 1997.
Ross, J. Loretta & Solinger, Rickie. Reproductive Justice: An Introduction. 2017, University of California Press, 2017.
Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta. How Black Feminists Defined Abortion Rights. 2022. https://www.newyorker.com/news/essay/how-black-feminists-defined-abortion-rights
Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta. How We Get Free: Black Feminism and The Combahee River Collective. Haymarket Books, 2017.
Then, Black. The Price Slave Women Paid for the Birth of Modern Gynecology. 2015. https://blackthen.com/the-price-slave-women-paid-for-the-birth-of-modern-gynecology/
Washington, A. Harriet. Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Time to the Present. Double Day, 2005.
VA, Net. Women of Color and the Struggle for Reproductive Justice. 2010. https://vawnet.org/material/women-color-and-struggle-reproductive-justice
RESOURCES *some resources may be date sensitive:
Abortion pills by mail resources and user videos: https://aidaccess.org/en/page/561/who-are-we
ARC-southeast Fund: https://arc-southeast.org/
Abortion Care Network: https://abortioncarenetwork.org/
Black Feminisms: https://blackfeminisms.com/abortion/
Black Feminist Future: https://blackfeministfuture.org/
Black Midwives Alliance: https://www.instagram.com/p/CaHSG6Cr532/?utm_medium=share_sheet
Black Wellness Innovation Fund: https://beam.community/grants/
California Forced or Involuntary Sterilization Fund: https://victims.ca.gov/fiscp/
Chicago Abortion Fund: https://chicagoabortionfund.salsalabs.org/makeadonation/index.html
Creative Interventions toolkit-A Practical guide to stop interpersonal violence: https://www.creative-interventions.org/toolkit/
DC Abortion Fund: https://dcabortionfund.org/donate/
National Abortion Federation Hotline: 1-800-772-9100
Resist. Emergency Abortion Funds: https://twitter.com/CallToResist/status/1521882846289440768
Third Wave Fund Resource Kit: Abortion Resource Kit May 2022
TransLash Media: https://translash.org/