The Political-Pedagogical Praxis of Afro-Brazilian Travestis and Trans Women: A Reading List by Maria Clara Araújo dos Passos


Top row (left to right): Jovanna Cardoso, Thiffany Odara, Maria Clara Araújo dos Passos, and Ana Flor Fernandes Rodrigues. Bottom Row (left to right): Jaqueline Gomes de Jesus, Jota Mombaça, Benny Briolly, and Dora Silva Santana.

A reading list by Maria Clara Araújo dos Passos from her teach-in “The Political-Pedagogical Praxis of Afro-Brazilian Travestis and Trans Women (1979-2020)for the School for Black Feminist Politics.

On Saturday, September 18th, 2021, scholar and activist Maria Clara Araújo dos Passos led the teach-in "The Political-Pedagogical Praxis of Afro-Brazilian Travestis and Trans Women (1979-2020) for The School for Black Feminist Politics. You can watch the teach-in here.

About the teach-in: Right now, Brazilian progressive activists are denouncing that under Bolsonaro’s administration, in the first six months of 2021, more than 75 travestis and trans women were murdered. About 80% of the murders against the trans community in Brazil in the past 3 years were against Afro-Brazilian travestis and trans women. So, in Brazil, racism, and transphobia walk together. But we must discuss not only those terrific numbers but also what has been done against this dynamic of war that never ceases. Next year (2022), we’ll celebrate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the social-political movement of travestis e transexual women in Brazil. In a moment in which Latin American is witnessing a neoconservative agenda that impacts our democracies, those actresses are presenting a political-pedagogical praxis responsible for fighting the narrative that frames them as non-citizens.

Even though the intersection of racism and transphobia tries to position them outside the abyssal lines that delimit the status of citizens, or even the ontological status of human beings, Afro-Brazilian travestis and trans women have found ways to collectively affirm a critical-reflexive citizenship able to challenge the forces of coloniality. Over the past three decades, those actresses have mobilized collective action, contributed to LGBTI+ affirmative policies, and created insurgent and emancipatory knowledge. This talk aims to reflect on how Afro-Brazilian travestis and trans women have been contributing for the broadening of social-political and pedagogical agendas in Brazil.

About the teach-in curator: Maria Clara Araújo dos Passos (she/her) is an afrotransfeminist from Brazil. She received her B.A in Pedagogy at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. She is pursuing her master’s degree in Education (Sociology of Education) at University of São Paulo. During undergrad, her goal was to understand how to build an education process in Brazil that is inspired by the insurgent knowledge that comes from the social and political movements of Latin America.

She dedicates most of her time studying decolonial pedagogies and curricula, social movements in Latin America, gender and race intersections, and trans+feminism. Right now, she works as a parliamentary assistant, responsible for doing political and pedagogical work with LGBTQIA+ movements and women’s movements for the Mandata Quilombo at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo state. Mandata Quilombo is a group of Afro-Brazilian people, with a majority of Afro-Brazilian women, whose work is to fight structural racism, sexism, and LGBTQIA+phobia alongside the first transgender Black woman to become a state congressperson in Brazil, Érica Malunguinho.


The Political-Pedagogical Praxis of Afro-Brazilian Travestis and Trans Women (1979-2020) - A Reading List


  • Nascimento, Letícia Carolina Pereira do. (2021). Transfeminismo. São Paulo: Jandaíra.

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