Home Is Where Trauma Is

Home is not always where the heart is. In fact, being at home can bring up traumatic experiences and memories. Writer Maryline Dossou (she/her) shares her journey of navigating childhood trauma, surviving cancer, and taking care of her mental health during a global pandemic.

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16 Black Feminist Archival Projects You Need To Know About

Black women and gender non-conforming and non-binary people’s histories, productions, leadership, and activism has often been overlooked, forgotten, and ignored in the United States and beyond. Here are 16 Black and Brown women-led archival projects that are reclaiming and restoring what white heteronormative patriarchal revisionist history tried to destroy and take from us.

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“We Wear the Mask": The Ironies of Black Life and Death During the COVID-19 Pandemic

American poet, novelist, and playwright, Paul Laurence Dunbar wrote the poem “We Wear the Mask” in the early nineteenth century. The poem is one of the earliest enunciations of Black people’s experiences navigating between multiple worlds in the U.S. Now over 100 years later, his words are eerily relevant in the face of the 2020 COVID19 pandemic. As we think about the consequences and realties of living in the COVID-19 moment, two queer Black feminist scholars reexamine their own experiences of Black life, Black death, and Black material culture feeding into our newest iteration of the mask. 

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